From: The keyboard of CHRISTOPHER HUNTLEY


The Accelerator is where we dive deep into marketing and help you hands-on in your businessThat's why it isn't cheap and the price has to increase from time to time. Plus, it's better for everyone when we only have high-calibre members.


You can request three expert evaluations every week.

And you get help EVERY area of your business...

Which means...

Maybe this month you need a landing page that converts more clicks to leads...

And next month you need a nurture sequence to convert those leads to sales...

Then you need an ad campaign the next month to grow bigger and faster...

Well, you get expert with that too.

This is what we call the Accelerator.


But I've seen it a million times...

Building, creating, making stuff, coming up with new ideas...

You might be creating something that isn't going to grow your business.

And hiring someone else to do it for you... isn't going to fix that.


→ On Thursdays at 10AM (EST) our call is focused on broadening your overall business skills so that you are competent using a range of tools, systems, and strategies.

→ On Tuesdays at 10AM (EST) our call is focused on going deep on one important skill so that you have an unfair advantage and you destroy the competition.

→ And between calls we communicate in our Slack workspace (which I check an unhealthy amount of times every day) and we have focused discussions on what's MOST IMPORTANT TO YOUR BUSINESS.

We call this part of the Accelerator "the Amplifier".

This is where you will gain clarity on the direction of your work and it's fastest way to connect with experts who can help.

I take everything I've learned and continue to learn and then I teach it to you via live calls, DMs, and group discussions.

This will give you a very high-level understanding of strategies and tactics that will enable you to compete with seasoned professionals.

And then, you can make your own decision about how you want to spend your profits...

I can't tell you what you should do at that point, but I can help you get there.

So, if you really want to become one of the best in the world, then this Accelerator is the first step in your journey towards separating yourself from the rest.


Thank you for putting your trust in me and the Teaching-Revolution team! We look forward to working with you to grow your business to new heights of profitability.

Best wishes,

P.S. The Accelerator is a place for you to know all the marketing skills you need coupled with our hands-on help to GROW YOUR BUSINESS FASTER.

P.P.S. If you want access to our private Slack workspace and one weekly call, but don't need our hands-on help, you can join Amplifier.



How Does It Work?

Expert Evaluation

Submit your work and we will review it and give you personal feedback, suggestions for improvements, and next steps. Here are just a few of the areas of your business that you can get expert help with:

Landing pages

Funnel design

Web design

Email marketing campaigns

Advertising campaigns

Content marketing campaigns

Product mockups

Logo and brand book

Custom Dashboard

This is where we track results. Making decisions requires accurate data that gives you the full picture of what is happening in your business. We'll make a custom dashboard that guides our decision-making and gives us objective criteria to measure results on.

Private Slack Workspace

This is our central hub of communication. It's where you can communicate with us directly. Ask questions and participate in discussions that will give you the most up-to-date strategies and tactics.

Live Implementation Calls

We will have two calls every week: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10AM (EST). One focused on growing your broad skills and the other focused on strengthening your deep skills. The calls are designed to push your limits and shape you into a full-stack business builder who can handle anything that's thrown at them. It's also a great chance to ask any questions that you haven't asked in Slack.


Full-Stack Business

Money-making skills that will equip you to succeed in any market conditions.

Here are just a few of the topics we cover:

✔️ Opportunity Vehicles
✔️ How to Gauge Market Interest
✔️ Course Outline with Learning Outcomes
✔️ Removing the Time Bottleneck
✔️ Offers as Transformations
✔️ Social Proof on Steroids
✔️ Low-Ticket Entry Points
✔️ The Power and Purpose of Free
✔️ Organic Acquisition Techniques
✔️ Free Value Platform
✔️ 3-Way Social Engagement
✔️ Perceived Value in High-Ticket Offers
✔️ Why You Need Recurring
✔️ Re-engage and Retarget
✔️ Lifelong Clients
✔️ More Leads Than You Want
✔️ Community Sales
✔️ The Tripwire
✔️ Influencer Marketing
✔️ Pain Points in Copy
✔️ Advanced Landing Pages
✔️ Testing Ad Creatives
✔️ Webinar Funnel Blueprint
✔️ Deep Tracking
✔️ Effective Product Delivery
✔️ Cash Flow Management
✔️ Hiring Funnels
✔️ Free Trials
✔️ Eliciting Immediate Action
✔️ Relationships Over Sales
✔️ Discounting
✔️ The Power of Authority
✔️ Tearing Your Product to Pieces
✔️ Segmentation of Your List
✔️ From Digital to Physical Product
✔️ Your Journey, Your Myth
✔️ Mission, Vision, Financial Projections
✔️ Urgency in Offers
✔️ Commissions Without Delivery
✔️ Free Consultation Funnels
✔️ Backend Optimization
✔️ Single Variable Testing
✔️ Platforms That Work
✔️ Repurposing Content
✔️ Conversion Rate Optimization
✔️ Your Brand Story
✔️ Project Management
✔️ When to Pivot
✔️ The Problem with Getting Customers
✔️ Unified Model for All Strategies
✔️ Team Management
✔️ Frontend Optimization

You get the ability to see between the lines and identify solutions to problems, enabling you to structure, build, launch, and sell any product or service in any niche. And it makes you unique because you've created something that can't be duplicated.

And, just so you know, I'm really hands-on.

I'm there working with your projects, copy, ads, and just about everything.

I'm basically your personal consultant.



Need Help Joining or Have Questions?

Contact us:

[email protected]