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It Follows The Scientific Method And It's Foolproof | Teacher Stories

teacher stories

Hi everybody! My name's Andrew and this is my video testimonial for Kris Amerikos's Teaching Business Catalyst program.

So, a little bit of background information about myself. I'm from the U.K. and I began teaching English in 2012. And I joined the Teaching Business Catalyst program around seven or eight months ago. I'm also part of the Top 1% Teacher program that Kris also has as well.

So, before I joined the program, I was teaching English online for a Chinese company and it was quite a mundane job, to say the least. The hours were limited, I wasn't getting the rate that I thought I deserved, and I wasn't teaching the subjects or the pupils that I really wanted to teach.

So, I joined the program because Kris offered a ... as I would say a get-out-of-jail-free card. He helped me identify my teaching niche and explained to me how profitable a teaching business can be. And then, he talked to me about my marketing message, how to find clients, how to deliver and develop a product, and at the end you know how to catalyze the whole thing.

So, what I like the most about the Teaching Business Catalyst program .. Well, there are a few things. The first thing is how clear and easy it is to follow. It's very well structured. It follows a very scientific method. And it's foolproof, so even if you're not a teacher, you can still do this program and you can still be successful.

The second thing is how helpful and supportive Kris and his staff are. So, Kris holds live calls every so often where he answers any questions teachers might have about their teaching business and he gives really great advice and support in helping you grow your business and, basically, be a better teacher.

The third thing I like is the community that he has. So, you know, there's a Facebook community where everybody is doing the program. We all share information. We all share insights. We all share problems that we all face. And it's a very close-knit community. So, it really helps us grow and develop as teachers and as business owners.

So, my advice to anybody that is looking to do the Teaching Business Catalyst program would be to get on a call with Kris and to just give him an hour or even thirty minutes of your time. And in that time you'll really see the huge value of the program and how easy and how effective it can be to start your own teaching business.

An example from myself is that, like I said, I've been doing this program for seven or eight months now ... When I first started I was very apprehensive. I was out of my comfort zone. I didn't really know what to do. But when I followed Kris's advice and I stuck with it and continued to take action every single day, the business grew very quickly.

So, when I started it was like I was trying to get students to sign up for my course. Now, I'm at the verge of turning pupils away because I've got so many students I can't really take on any more clients, which is a good thing because it means that what I'm doing is right and what I'm doing sells.

So, that would be my main advice for anybody watching this video - it's to get on a call with Kris. You know, it's free and he will show and demonstrate the value of taking the Teaching Business Catalyst program. So, thanks for watching and I hope I'll see you in the Facebook Teaching Business Community very soon! Bye!