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Deliberate or Emergent Strategies

teaching business


The classic approach to creating and managing a strategy tells us to plan for a long period of time, usually about a year, set a budget, and execute. This means we create a plan and follow the plan for a set amount of time and then reiterate our plan after that time has passed.

When somebody says the word "strategy" this is usually what comes to mind.

But there is another way to create a strategy that will allow for more flexibility.

Here's what we cover:

1. What a deliberate strategy is and what an emergent strategy is.

2. The differences between deliberate and emergent strategies.

3. Tools for implementing an emergent strategy.

4. Before action reviews and after action reviews.

5. Questions that help us determine strategy action.

6. The four quadrants of strategy development.

7. How to use the four quadrants of strategy development.


Resources mentioned in this video:

Deliberate vs. Emergent Strategy -- Download PDF here

BAR and AAR -- Download PDF here

Four Quadrants -- Download PDF here


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