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Unsolicited Life Advice

teaching business

A few months ago a teacher from California who was teaching English in Cambodia reached out to me because she wanted to start a teaching business online.
She started by telling me every reason why she couldn't succeed: she had just broken up with her boyfriend, she was doing a master's degree program, she moved to a new city or country every month.
She had heard that I had helped other teachers and now she wanted my help, but what I told her wasn't what she wanted to hear.
One of the coolest things I get to do is help teachers take control of their teaching career, set up easy-to-manage teaching businesses, and become completely independent teachers.
And very often people come to me focused on their problems and so convinced that it won't work that they don't even give themselves a chance to succeed.
Well, this was one of those situations. So, I proceeded to tell her what she needed to do if she wanted to succeed. I have a lot of experience helping people with this and it was very clear to me that there was one thing missing from her life, her teaching, and her teaching business: FOCUS.
As you might have guessed, she didn't take it very well.
She couldn't believe that I was giving her life advice when she had come to me seeking business advice. And that's the same paradox that many teachers and businesspeople and people in general still believe.
The honest truth is that business problems do not exist. They are only reflections of personal problems. Anything that someone calls a business problem ends up being a personal problem. When you solve the personal problem, the business problem takes care of itself.
But that's a difficult fact for most people to face. In this video I talk about how personal and business are forever locked together and how to over your personal and business problems.
If you like this video and you want to know more about how you can grow a successful teaching business and get high-paying students with regularity, then click this link: to join my free Basic Training program.
I'll see you in the next video!